Tuesday, 11 January 2011


Stoma nurse Lucy Russell identified my leak as a volcano (her own description of a fistula which spews poo). She said that it's a freak caused by an errant stitch and can only be sorted with surgery (and that has to wait till the stoma reversal). She got me a different bag which should be able to accommodate the stoma and what is, essentially, a mini-me stoma. So much for NHS rationing - buy one get one free! Lucy has ordered me a special belt and Osto Guard for playing table tennis. Maybe I could get a mini Osto guard for the little volcano. Aaah! I'm a bit disturbed at my capacity to love and anthropomorphise my new body parts


  1. Beware! With the current NHS cuts you may soon be asked to be provide training for patients to perform their very own DIY stoma surgery

  2. I am so grateful every time I have an appointment and get seen! This morning there were about 50 people queuing in the corridor for fracture follow ups ( from the snow a few weeks ago). Scary!
