In October 2010 I was admitted urgently the Norfolk and Norwich hospital with a bowel obstruction eventually diagnosed as a Dukes 2 cancer (the Dukes scale classifies cancers from 1-4, 1 being the least advanced). I avoided an emergency op and the tumour was stented so that the bowel could clear and another op could be planned.
The cancer was successfully removed on 18th November. The surgeon, Mr Kapur, also gave me an Ileostomy (a stoma bag comes from the small colon so the large colon isn't needed) and a J Pouch (to replace part of the removed bowel) that will be used when the Ileostomy is reversed when I finish chemotherapy.
I started a 6 month course of oral chemo on 29th December.
This blog has helped my partner, Michelle Savage, and me communicate difficult, complex and sometimes quite disgusting aspects of my treatment to friends and relatives quickly and simply while relieving us of the stress of constant phoning and texting. It's also meant people can feel involved - checking for news or commenting.