Monday, 30 May 2011

Special Che

I went to Playfest, worked 2 shifts and got very tired but enjoyed Kamilla Lovett, the Woodland Creatures, Barlights, King Blues and Futureheads and being visited by the Pride Posse; Kim, Deanna, Stevie and Shell came and took tea in the caravan. Which wasn't very Festy really but then while others were getting out of it on Special K (Ketamine) I took Special Che (Chemo) - my last week of Xeloda! And I felt a lot healthier than some of the punters - I did a shift with St John's Ambulance and a lad came in with scorched buttocks - his friends had put a lighter to the aerosol of Quicktan he was applying.


  1. Ouch. Maybe he should have gone to one of them there tanning saloons. And get some new mates ....

  2. Indeed. Can you have a drink in a tanning saloon? They do have those swinging louvred doors.
