Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Billy's down

Slight hiatus this morning as Thursday's blood test showed Bilirubin levels above the critical 30 level, the threshold for withdrawing chemotherapy in case of liver damage. Nurse Karen took another blood test and the level was down to 15 - the impact of 4 more rest days and Norwich City's elevation to the Premier League no doubt! So back on the Xeloda - my last but one cycle.


  1. congratulations to Norwich! Happ to see them back up! I see your man is plotting how to stay up!!

    Soon there will be a post on my blog specifically for Shelly and wendy..

  2. Hey - will be checking your blog. We'll have to take you to Carrow Road next time you're up - maybe Sunderland and Asamoah Gyan!

  3. Yeah would love to come to a game! Would be a lot of fun!

    Check the latest blog. I think Shelly will smile!
