Thursday, 14 April 2011

Stoma Bumsters

Bumsters. Oh how I used to laugh at Alexander McQueen's builders' bottom jeans. Now, as an alternative to dungarees (the straps disappear down the loo too often), they are perfect Bagger wear, allowing the stoma bag plenty of room.

I've always found boy Bumster wearers' anatomy puzzling - my bag prevents gravity from revealing all, but boys? Does the waistband really sit on your parts? If you can hold up the lowest hanging jeans is that a reflection on your manhood?


  1. Oh, I can feel a song coming on: 'Swing low, sweet .... (insert the word of your choice)'. And I've never heard the word bumster before - by 'eck, the world of fashion. What is it like?

  2. Keep up! (wiith fashion I mean but also the trousers) I think they're also called baggy jeans but you need to specify whether skinny or not.
