Thursday, 10 February 2011

Music for Ostomists

Jules and I did a dummy radio interview while training at Future. I talked about Table Tennis and peppered the chat with references to Ping Pong in music (Damon Albarn plays on tour, Flying Lotus and Art of Noise have both used a ball as a beat... (I could, and did, go on cueing yawns from the Pride Live Team). So I've devised an ostomy playlist for the delight of blog readers. One problem is that, as I mentioned in a recent post, ostomists are very closeted so it's impossible to identify artists who 'bag'. Instead I have wilfully misinterpreted song titles and artists' names in order to make an association. Hear the tracks at and let me know if you have suggestions.

Di's Music to Empty Bags By:

Gorillaz - Sunshine in a Bag
Ladyhawke - My Dear Ileum
Leaky Li - I'm Good, I'm Gone
James Brown - Papa's Got a Brand New Bag
Van Morrison - It Stoma
Eric Prydz - Colon Me
Rufus Wainwright - Stoma Over the Rainbow
The Carpenters - Colostomy (They Long to be)

(Sorry iPhone/iPad people: the YouTube playlist doesn't seem to work for us and I can't find an app for that.)


  1. Lloyd Cole and the Commotions - My Bag

  2. Nice one. But isn't that Lloyd Colon? See you tonight

  3. Plus Brown Paper Bag by Roni Size! Shall interview you for the next Pride Live Show? I am thinking of you, Dugald and Nick for a little chat? You heard Lady Gaga track yet? May be on the playlist too....
    I am off to the NME tour gig tonght and have my Go Team ticket now. I pop round soon for Backgammon and pork pie Jx

  4. I love that track! I'm happy to chat anywhere as you know and in such good company..The Gaga track didn't grab me on first play - maybe it'll grow. Great title though and yeah should be a definite play next show. Backgammon and pies await.
