Sunday, 12 December 2010

Win, Lose and Drawers

My winning run continues as I continue to feel healthy - climbing the steps to our seats at Carrow Road (and managing half a glass of red wine last night) but Norwich's ended with a 0-2 loss to Portsmouth as they stole the game in the last 10 minutes. Will do better at Coventry next week!

We found a great story on STV; Nicola Dames designs underwear and swimwear for people with stoma bags. Her young models have had colon ops (as did she). The girls and boys wear refreshingly cool kit- no flesh coloured poly in sight and the models are fab, feisty things.


  1. The power of the internet! There's some very saucy underwear on there! Oh la la!

  2. I have to say I'd only wear the boxers myself Peter!
