Thursday, 16 December 2010

Mmn Mulled Wine

Bit stiff from last night's minimal activity but feeling good - particularly as excruciating nightime belly pain has stopped. Guess it was the small glass of Guinness - disappointing as I had flattened it but suppose it was the yeast that did it.

Choir was fun and had mulled wine there and in the pub afterwards; never mind the Guinness.

Have devised a Cryptic Musicals Quiz to raise money for the choir. Email me or comment here if you'd like one and you can pay a £ via paypal or IOU. It's very easy but not quite as easy as this example:

M--- -- -- -- -----  St Meet Me Louis

1 comment:

  1. Hey, excited about the quizz! I must be really dumb at the moment because although I guessed the answer, it took me a little while to work out why - doh! Are you doing anything special for your birthday tomorrow? Maybe I can come round to pick it up? Col x
