Friday, 10 December 2010

Sometimes it's better not to google

The GP phoned and said the UTI is a Protozoa germ rather than a bacteria. Of course I googled straightaway and saw a list containing Gonorrhea, Syphilis and Great Pox. Another page referred to 'masturbation injury' Im really hoping these conditions were randomly thrown into my search results and can't really be contracted via a hospital catheter.

Rob and Matt popped in last night and while Matt played Ninja Fruit I exchanged notes with Rob, whose adolescence was blighted by colon ops (does that mean you had a teenage dirtbag?) Delighted to find that Rob has a J Pouch and has no problems with it. I have been google wary as far as the stoma reversal is concerned - the J pouch is there to collect poo because the tumour and radiotherapy scarring meant Mr Kapur had to cut low under the sigmoid colon - and it all sounded a little frantic and hard to manage. But Rob is always serene and dignified. Ok I can't be either of those, J Pouch or not but I feel much cheerier for having a Pouch Buddy.


  1. Google is a scary place, although I had no idea what a J Pouch was until I googled it just now.

  2. I can always find a reason to need another pair of shoes or an extra bag and I think you're with me there? I think you might want to give the pouch a miss though girl unless strictly necessary.

    Glad you didn't google Great Pox
