Oh Poo! Di's got cancer again...OH NO SHE HASN'T! (small print - 78% chance of being clear of cancer in 5 years)

Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Chill time
Monday, 29 November 2010
What a day
The District Nurse was lovely and the metal stitches came out easily.
Please note the change in the Blog Title as I now officially have no cancer!
Clear Lymph!
Scary bloody morning
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Bragging Rights
Comfy seats
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Log blog
Tiny Steps
They're back - get the fire on!
Cranberries are for turkey
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Lovely Day
Got the Ashes highlights online and been waited on by nurse Shell. Reading yet another book in which a character has colon cancer. The upside of The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest is that Lisbeth Salander, ill in hospital, still manages to kick ass. And I'm sure the Swedish hospital she's in would have had a swankily furnished room specially for poo bag training.
Richard, a fellow patient, gets out today. We played scrabble in the day room yesterday while we waited for my drugs. He had a similar experience to mine and was surprised at the pain when the epidural finished (tho his was worse because the epidural came out prematurely). His cancer was picked up early by using the national screening programme kit. I hope we bump into each other again in several years time at a clinic giving us both the all clear. He was rubbish at scrabble though.
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Toilet Training
pressure there then. The location for the test is a gents toilet with
no clean surface on which to put my sterile bits and pieces....of
course l pass. Various drugs were delivered by hand by Brooksie and
Bex came 2 say bye. I AM OUT!
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rocket science bagging poo?
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Unhealthy Places
bodily fluids got cleared up last night, dozens of drip alarms bleeped
as did constant nurse call bells - sounded like a bad Philip Glass
track and the smell defied comparison. I gotta get out!
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Tuesday, 23 November 2010
More Comment
Thanks to all the food parcels for Shell You can be sure I will have her on a full perfect hostess training programme when I get home and she will be available for parties/
Civil Partnerships. She has already begun a line in Mini Trifles - a delightful alternative to mash.
Seems like the team haven't been fooled by my suggestion of tomorrow for discharge. I am shattered by walking to the loo 5 times so far today (ok vanity dictated I ditch the Zimmer). Looking like Thursday or Friday.
Which seemed just as well as I and a few of my ward mates watched Peggy waving from the car park. My tummy probably needs to heal a bit more before being closer to that dog.
Are we really getting H Lansbury? Waggsie, Nick - we should be told
Out soon!
'what Derby' & team sniggered. Told me not to cheer if Norwich score.
I said no if.
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Monday, 22 November 2010
Morphine didnt help. Gonna get better pain relief
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Sunday, 21 November 2010
Wake up and smell the...
Saturday, 20 November 2010
It's a gurgle!
New Quiz!
can eat. Hope match not fogd off. Shell& Peg cosy@ home
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Friday, 19 November 2010
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Back on the ward
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Lie In!
Apparently I can text to update my blog so the next thing you read might be some Aldous Huxley like ramble!
Pre Op today
After table tennis training with the twins (Martin's going to teach me evil new serves when I'm convalescing) we went to Jules' last night for cheesecake and tales of Switzerland where she had a good time with Joy. They checked the blog so now there is a tiny patch of green on the stats map. I've got a hit from Sam in Ghana too and one from Alaska (which must be a mistake?).
Great dinosaur picture from Lucas in the post. Modern toddlers huh? - it says 2 Diana!
Tests for MRSA , blood pressure and stuff this afternoon. I'm terrified I'll get a cold and the anaesthetist will say No Go! I took things a bit far on Google last night and watched some Anterior Resections on video. I did feel a bit queasy. If I was on a desert island I'm guessing I would be unable to take a sharp flint to myself. I'll check it out this afternoon but I think the op will be several lots of keyhole surgery (they'll take out the lymph nodes too). Last week's Evening news said the N&N has been criticised for using old fashioned kit for Keyhole Surgery which, in Norfolk, does indeed suggest a pointy flint or maybe a rusty jail key. I have no doubt that this was out of date news and the instruments are now the required Gold Standard.
I do feel extremely positive about the operation and surgeon, but once again, reading newspapers and books mitigates against this. I've just finished 'The Suspicions of Mr Whitcher' in which 3 people die of an obstructed bowel. No more reading for me - where's Ellie's mix mp3s?
Monday, 15 November 2010
Been to Brum/No Bag Required
We saw Maria and Ellie and Shaun and Sue as well as Bridie and Sean in Acocks Green and talked to undergraduate Tom on the phone. Ellie kindly gave me a Jonas Brothers/Miley Cyrus/ Demi Lovato mix cd. I'm on a low residue diet to try and limit this sort of thing! (But thanks for the Fightstar and Frank Turner tracks). Ta also Maria for slippers and book and Bridie for Holy Water.
Wendy and Colin round tonight for send off meal. Wendy showed us the latest baby scan. We're both being seen at the hospital, we both tire easily, have to drink loads of liquids and get ravenous .....but I'll be able to have a few G & Ts soon!
Friday, 12 November 2010
Op On! Thursday 18th
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Almost a date
The main cause of anxiety has been lack of communication. Ironically our first official paperwork from the N&N arrived in today's post: an invitation to take part in a research project aimed at improving information for patients and relatives before colorectal surgery. It was handy confirmation that I will be having treatment!
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Re ****ing swearing did anyone else see the story about the guy on Countdown who, faced with the letters: DTCEIASHF, suggested Shitface (bizarrely omitting the D and so missing the 9 letter word). Shame on Channel 4 for editing it out. http://www.guardian.co.uk/tv-and-radio/2010/nov/04/student-slang-too-strong-for-countdown
No news yet. I continue to take my medicine. I do have a prescribed potion in case everyone thinks it's just cake.
I know, she looks like she's planning a saucy evening with the first of several scotches, but the clue is in the strap line. This particular laxative is made with Paraffin. I took care to stay in on Bonfire Night - I'm in enough trouble already.
Stevie kindly sent some alternative medicine; Damson gin which should lubricate in a different way.
Well my phone still ain't ringing so I guess there's no news today. I will phone my keyworker in the morning and post tomorrow.
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
May be strong language later
But today I'm up to putting the plank bed together. The scouser who made it says it needs no screws to assemble just a lot of wiggling; calls it a "bastard fit" - a variation on the mortise & tenon? Better put some music on so the neighbours think I'm singing and dancing
Friday, 5 November 2010
Wow - a Multi Disciplinary Team Meeting!
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Unlucky at games...