Oh Poo! Di's got cancer again...OH NO SHE HASN'T! (small print - 78% chance of being clear of cancer in 5 years)
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Clean and Cheap
Dr Lukasz whizzed the camera around my colon all the way round to the Toblerone channel joining the colon to the stomach and all we could see on the screen was healthy pink bowel, some fancy piercings where Mr Kapur had done some stapling and a crater which is my new pouch. He signed me off and sent me away with photos which look like pictures of Dr Who sets. Dr Lukasz wanted me to come back often though - he likes how short my post operative bowel is plus I didn't use sedation/gas & air. We agreed I was cheap.
Most of the many patients waiting for Gastro appointments have fasted for a while and are pretty hungry. So it was unfortunate that there was a fund raising cake stall right outside the clinic. When Lu came to collect me though we grabbed Millionaire's Shortbread and Fairy Cakes. Yum.
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Picolax and telescopes
Colonoscopy appointment this afternoon so two sachets of Picolax have done their stuff and my Colon is shiny and empty ready for the 'telescope as wide as a little finger'. My tummy has definitely settled down since the last blog entry but Mr Kapur thought it time for a colonoscopy anyway. I've never had one before - when the tumour was discovered I was so full of poo they couldn't get the scope in! Apparently the scope travels along the colon with the help of pumped air so it's not going to be the most graceful procedure - patients tend to need to get rid of the gas periodically. Not Samantha Brick for the day.
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Reading the advice
The stable tummy has disappeared and is replaced by bloating, explosive bottom and stomach pain. I rationalised it as healing, disagreeable food, bugs stress and then today, filing correspondence I saw a circular from the colorectal team advising if these symptoms lasted for a month or so to contact them. It is more than a month. And I know if I hadn't seen the circular again I would have gone on rationalising. On the phone. Tomorrow. First thing.
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